INSOL Focus Webinar: Navigating cross-border insolvencies - the Court’s jurisdiction to wind-up entities and provide assistance to officeholders

Thursday 21 September, 12:00pm British Summer Time (GMT+1)

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The next INSOL Focus Webinar will take place on Thursday 21 September, 12:00pm British Summer Time (GMT+1).

PRC businesses held by offshore incorporated structures and listed in Hong Kong face a choice, when encountering financial distress, of where to wind up. Often, the offshore jurisdiction of incorporation has been preferred, with the Hong Kong courts providing assistance. However, this has come under challenge more recently and this seminar will look at the pros and cons of instead engaging the Hong Kong court’s jurisdiction to make primary or ancillary winding up orders. Might there also be a third solution, using the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency?  Join us for this enlightening webinar where international panellists will examine the regulatory and judicial developments that have catalysed this shift, and how recent judgments provide practical guidance to navigate the landscape of recognition and assistance.*
Join our panellists for a stimulating debate. 

*please note that the technical programme may be subject to change

Registration Fees:

INSOL Member £25.00
INSOL Non-Member £45.00


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