
Lotte Hotel, Seoul  - 7 October 2024

Main Organising Committee

Chul Man Kim, Insolvency Law Institute of Korea, Republic of Korea - Seminar Co-Chair
Chiyong Rim, Kim & Chang, Republic of Korea - Seminar Co-Chair
Jiwoong Lim, Lee & Ko, Republic of Korea - Technical Co-chair
Byounggoo Sohn, Samil PwC, Republic of Korea - Technical Co-chair
Robin J. Baik, Kobre & Kim, Republic of Korea 

Annabelle Cai, Kroll, Singapore 
Seungjin Huh, Bae, Kim & Lee LLC, Republic of Korea 
Sy Nae Kim, Yulchon LLC, Republic of Korea 
Changkwon Kim, Yoon & Yang, Republic of Korea 
Young-Geun Kim , Shin & Kim, Republic of Korea 
Judge Sanghoon Na, Seoul Bankruptcy Court, Republic of Korea 
Yuri Sugano, Nishimura & Asahi, Japan 



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