INSOL Focus Webinar: Pre-insolvency remedies – tips and tricks for better implementing the Restructuring Directive

Tuesday, 5th October 2021 1:00 pm [BST]


The EU has adopted the Restructuring Directive, based on which its Member States have to implement a preventive restructuring framework in their laws, compliant with the Directive, by 17 July 2021 – with a one-year extension option. Some have complied, but most have not.
This means that there is still an opportunity to learn from more mature restructuring jurisdictions. The panel will discuss questions* such as:

•    With the benefit of hindsight, what would you do differently as legislator given the experience you have in the restructuring practice in your jurisdiction? 
•    What are the lessons learned since your jurisdiction’s tools were enacted and what developments have there been in practice that would warrant changes? 
•    What lessons could or should countries who still have to implement the Directive learn from your country? What works and what does not work? Do’s, don’ts, best practices?”

*please note that the technical programme may be subject to change.

Webinar timings 

8am New York
1pm UK
2pm the Netherlands
8pm Singapore

Panel duration: 1 Hour


Cost: GBP 15.00 for Members and GBP 30.00 for Non-Members.

Book your place!