INSOL Focus Webinar:
Forum shopping and challenges in the recognition of insolvency proceedings: Some views from the bench

Tuesday, 20th July 2021 1:00 pm [BST]


Nicoleta Mirela Năstasie is a member of the Romanian judiciary at Bucharest Tribunal, and she has PhD in commercial law (summa cum laudae), Titu Maiorescu University, Romania, with research theme “Communication, cooperation and coordination in cross-border insolvency of the group of companies”.

She is a Fellow INSOL International 2018, member of the Judicial Group INSOL International, co-chair
of the Judicial Wing INSOL Europe.

She followed The INSOL International Global Insolvency Practice Course 2017-2018, The Postgraduate Course in International Insolvency Law Distance Learning, Nottingham Trent University - Law School, 2016-2017. She is a graduate of the Bucharest University, Romania, 1996.

She was a researcher in the project “Judicial Co-Operation supporting Economic Recovery in Europe” (JCOERE), EU JUST/2017 involving the University College Cork, the University of Florence, Titu Maiorescu University Bucharest and INSOL Europe.
She has 25 years of experience, as following:1996 – 2004 lawyer; 2004 – present, judge (insolvency and bankruptcy law specialisation since 2011).

She participated in the jury of the Semi-final Moot for the Ian Fletcher International Insolvency Law Moot Competition, in Vancouver, 2018, Singapore, 2019, London, 2020, London 2021, organised by the INSOL International and International Insolvency Institute.


1979 – 1985                        Dutch law, specialization Public International Law, 
                                                University Utrecht;
1985 – 1986                        Diploma Program International Law and International Relations,
                                                Institute of Social Studies, The Hague;
1993                                      PhD at the University of Nijmegen. Subject: “Remedies or Stubbling Blocks, Aspects of Public International Law                                                    and the International Debt Crisis”;
2015                                       Grotius Academy INSOLAD.


1987 – 1990                       Researcher in Public International Law University of Nijmegen;
1991 – 2002                       Lecturer and assistant professor in Public International Law, Leiden University
2003 – 2007                       Judge District Court of Amsterdam;
July 2007 – now               Senior judge District Court of Amsterdam; 
January 2018 – now       Substitute Justice at the Court of Appeal Arnhem/Leeuwarden

Martin Glenn was sworn in as a United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Southern District of New York on November 30, 2006. He received his B.S. degree from Cornell University in 1968 and his J.D. degree from Rutgers Law School in 1971. He was an Articles Editor of the Rutgers Law Review. Judge Glenn was a law clerk for Hon. Henry J. Friendly, Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, from 1971-72. From 1972 until his appointment to the bench, Judge Glenn practiced law with O'Melveny & Myers LLP, in Los Angeles from 1972-85 and in New York from 1985-06. Judge Glenn is a member of the American Law Institute; International Insolvency Institute; New York Federal-State Judicial Council; New York City Bar; National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges; and American Bankruptcy Institute. He is a Fellow of the American College of Bankruptcy and a past member of the Committee on International Judicial Relations of the United States Judicial Conference, and the Bankruptcy Judge Advisory Group of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Judge Glenn is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Law School and a Contributing Author of Collier on Bankruptcy. He is a frequent lecturer on bankruptcy-related issues.

Mr. Justice (Richard) Snowden obtained a first-class degree in law at Downing College, Cambridge in 1984 and an LLM from Harvard Law School in 1985.

At the Bar, Mr. Justice Snowden specialised in corporate, corporate insolvency and financial services litigation.  His international insolvency cases included BCCI, Federal Mogul and acting for the US Lehman Brothers companies in the administration of LBIE.

Mr. Justice Snowden was appointed a High Court Judge of the Chancery Division and a Judge of the Financial List in 2015, and was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster in September 2019.

Since appointment, he has decided numerous cases on creditor schemes of arrangement such as Van Gansewinkel, Indah Kiat and Noble Group; and OGX and Videology on the UNCITRAL Model Law.  

Mr. Justice Snowden is an editor of Lightman and Moss on Administrators and a contributor to the Commentary on the EIR.  He is a member of the International Insolvency Institute.

Webinar Series Committee

Ian Fox (Chair), Dentons, UK
Alberto Angeloni, DLA Piper, Italy
Rodrigo Callejas, Carrillo Law, Guatemala 
Nicholas Fox, Mourant, Cayman Islands
Leonard Goldberger, Stevens & Lee, USA
Nastascha Harduth, Werksmans, South Africa
Mariano Hernandez, M&M Abogados, Spain
Chip Hoebeke, Rehmann Consulting, USA
Marc Kish, Ogier, Cayman Islands
Andrew Koo, EY, PRC
Dhananjay Kumar, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, India
Liv Machado, Tozzini Freire, Brazil
Judge Nicoleta Nastasie, Romania
Isabel Picot, Galdino & Coelho, Brazil
Rob van den Sigtenhorst, Toon Advocaten, The Netherlands
Miguel Torres, MMT & University of Leeds, UK/Portugal

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